Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Squirrely Shrimp!

Here is a good shrimp pattern to try out. I think I saw a picture of one similar somewhere on the web so I went to work at the vise and tied something up!

Materials List

Hook-1/0 Mustad 34007
Pink 6/0 Thread 
Pearl Krystal Flash
Orange Barred Centipede Legs
Mono Eyes (I CCG glass beads onto mono.)
Crawfish Barred Rabbit Zonker
Pink Flat Braid
Shrimp Pink Ice Dub
1/4" Aluminum Sea Eyes
Squirrel Tail

Here goes nothing...

Step 1:
Start thread at eye and begin laying a base

Step 2:
Tie in a few strands of krystal flash. Amount up to tyer!

Step 3:
Tie in centipede barred legs. I take a full length "leg" fold it in half over the thread and tie in here.

Step 4:
Tie in a mono eye on each side of the hook shank. After tied in I dab some super glue to hold them good.

Step 5:
Make dubbing loop with crawfish barred rabbit zonker. Or, if you are terrible at dubbing loops/brushes like me simply cut rabbit off the leather and tie in around the shank! Easy enough!

Step 6:

Tie in pink flat braid and then work thread to 1/8"-1/4" from the hook eye

Step 7:
Tie on aluminum sea eyes and dab some super glue to hold them good. Make sure you put them on top of the shank UNLESS you have flipped the hook at this point. You want this fly to swim hookpoint up.

Step 8:
Work flat braid up to aluminum sea eyes and tie off. I did not worry about the "even-ness" of the body with the materials. If you are picky, careful as you tie things in so you dont end up with a taper.

Step 9:
Dub a bit of pink ice dub on the hook side of the aluminum sea eyes. I do this to "prop" the wing up a bit. Its optional but I like to do it.

Step 10:
Cut your squirrel tail fibers off your recently killed squirrel tail and rotate your hook to tie on the hair as your wing.

And you are done!! Woo hoo! You did it!!

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